wow, tsang as in...dako imo tiya ron....hehehhe...wa siguro ka kaon ug ayo sa una...hehehhe....joke....:)
kumusta naman tsang? sos karon lang ko nalaguwa sa akong langub woi...kay general wedenesday cleaning ko....check check lang ko sa pC kung naa opps...hehehe...nya balik nasad limpyo...hay buhay...hehehe!
Lets talk and learn about life.Share your thoughts, ideas, opinions,experiences, points of view,and family matters and parenting ideas. A good outcome would come up by Connecting with other people from different walks of life around the world.
hehhehe dako heheeh bag-o lang mi uli gikan farm...
I loved being pregnant - and love belly pics! Thanks for sharing :)
eight imu tiyan aning first shy?dli diay kaayo daku imu tiyan sa?but ang second picture daku imu tiyan..basin mas daku daku nani imu baby sunod
hihihihi...the more you have the more it will expand your belly daw.
ako noon 3 months lng parang 6 months at di nak makasakay sa tricycle , sikip na hahahaha.
much better that comes out healthy naman.INGATZ not to fall.
wow, tsang as in...dako imo tiya ron....hehehhe...wa siguro ka kaon ug ayo sa una...hehehhe....joke....:)
kumusta naman tsang? sos karon lang ko nalaguwa sa akong langub woi...kay general wedenesday cleaning ko....check check lang ko sa pC kung naa opps...hehehe...nya balik nasad limpyo...hay buhay...hehehe!
I wasn't able to take belly pics when I was pregnant. :( Next time I will...hehehe. I hope you're doing fine in your pregnancy ; )
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