Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Found The Best Web Hosting

Some of you may not notice yet that I imported one of my blogs to Wordpress. I just want to try the wordpress platform other than blogger. I got lucky that I found the best web hosting that help and assist me through the whole process. She helps me how to import my blog from blogger to wordpress, upload wordpress theme, and install useful plug in for me. For me it's a jackpot to have great web hosting that demand minimal charge. A top notch web hosting like that deserve a best hosting awards. If I ask for help with plug in and blogging stuff she always ready to lend a hand despite of the fact that she is a multitasking Stay at home mom, certified blogger that manages multiple blogs, and a web host provider. She is a one of a kind woman who knows a lot about internet, as well as life in general. Just recently, I ask her to help me out with the social bookmarking icon to my new site in wordpress. It didn't take long and she finished it quick. So, if you have a website it's best to find the best webhosting that provide great service.


Cecile said...

sounds great, Tsang; i might try word press someday, too :-)

David said...

wordpress is too hard for someone like me ...

AC said...

panalo naman talaga ang web host natin marz...

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