Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Switch to Parent's Choice

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of PBM Products. All opinions are 100% mine.

I am totally over with infant formula when justine turned a year old. Thank God we never had problem switching her from infant formula to whole milk. She is such a very agreeable baby and eat whatever we give to her. Anyhow, if you have heard the Similac recall you'd probably think time to switch to generic formula. The Abbott Laboratories warned the public that certain lots of Similac powdered baby formula may contain beetles or their larvae. This would be a reminder that buying a pricey brand name product doesn’t guarantee safety or quality. Parents who give their babies Similac and other name brand baby formulas typically pay twice as much as the generic equivalent. Before the recall, Similac Advance selling price was $27 at a local pharmacy in New York City. The store brand version was less than $16. If you want to save why not consider trying a store brand formula alternative sold at retailers including Walmart, Sam’s Club, Target, Kroger, Walgreens, CVS, and Babies “R” Us. Parent's Choice have the same nutritional value that other name brands. Parent’s Choice Advantage™ Infant Formula is way cheaper than Similac Advance and yet these formulas are nutritionally equivalent and offer the same benefits. Parent's Choice have prebiotics to help support baby’s immune system. It has milk-based nutrition which contains all nutrients, vitamins and minerals for growth and development that baby needs. It also have DHA & ARA, which may support brain and eye development. Parent's choice infant formula is available in sizes of 23.2 oz and 12.4 oz.

All infant formulas sold in the United States are subject to the same strict guidelines, but the store brands can offer lower prices and are nutritionally equivalent to Enfamil® and Similac® brand-name formulas that cost up to 50% less for a savings of $600 a year per baby. Try that calculator and see how much money that you could save. Plus, you will find store brands conveniently located at places like Walmart. Switch now to store brand infant formula and think about all of the money you will save.
Visit my sponsor: Parent's Choice

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