Friday, September 3, 2010

Top Commenters and First Commenters

First Commenter Club

David Funk1
Grampy's World1
Lulu Post4
Mel Avila Alarilla2
Cacai M.1
Mel Cole of PA, USA1

1. Dhemz (20)
2. chubskulit (15)
3. Mel Avila Alarilla (13)
4. Cecile (11)
5. Lulu (10)
6. ♣☆♥Willa♥☆♣ (9)
7. Lulu Post (8)
8. Clarissa (7)
9. Kayce (6)
10. Mel Cole of PA, USA (5)

It's time for me to recognize and acknowledge my ever loyal top commenters and punctual First Commenter. Thank you guys for stopping by at my blog and left some wonderful comments. Anyhow, FCC was founded by Mariuca and so thankful for being part of it. She initiated this to give linky love to the first comment to show or express appreciation for commenting. Thanks Mariuca for the brilliant idea. I love giving free linky luv to my first commenters and top commenter as my way of expressing my gratitude for taking time to comment at my gibberish post. But I have to remove this from my blogging chores. I'll put the FCC back if I have time to update it everyday. I'm just so busy right now. Thank you guys.


Chubskulit Rose said...

Thanks fr the linky luv badingding.. Sakit ng ipin ko waghhhhhhhh

Ladii said...

You have a blog award on My Blog thanks for following Me I enjoy reading Your blogs

Cecile said...

apil na pud ko dire, Tsang; salamat sa linky link ha; and happy weekend dear...

Dhemz said...

ayay! thanks for the linky love bayot...touch man sad atong dughan dire...ehehehe! mau ni kay pang!

Lulu Post said...

kabuotan ni LUlu oi daghan man lol

wawa naman to si mami rose sakit daw ipin... naku ipabunot mo na yan.... tapos kain ng ice cream kaagad hehehe

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