Wednesday, November 3, 2010

ABC Wednesday - for

P for Pineapple

Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is the common name for a tropical plant and its edible fruit which are coalesced berries. It can be grown as an ornamental, especially from the leafy tops. In the Philippines, pineapple leaves are used as the source of a textile fiber called piña.


Lulu said...

mura ug hapit ma late

Shahz said...

:-) Ting.. Ka lami man...

Roger Owen Green said...

LOVE pineapple!

On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you!

Anonymous said...

sarap naman... :D

Uhhhmmm hey... Wondering if you could attach my Christmas Card in any of your future posts. By doing so, you get a chance to win a Brandnew Blackberry phone from the number 1 Pinoy-owned website in the Philippines... (Even if you're not in the Phils right now for as long as you have a Philippine address.)

You can also create your own Christmas card and get a chance to win fabulous prize. (You can be both a poster of somebody else's Christmas card and a contestant. :D)

You can get the code of my Christmas card and read about the details of the contest here:

Please leave a comment on my blog if you did attach my Christmas Card.

Thanks and more power!

Noypi of

Chubskulit Rose said...

We love pineapple too bading saka pakwan, yum!

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Ah pineapple is one of the most nutritious and delicious fruit thereabout. It's loaded with vitamin c and is a good for bodily resistance against diseases. It's juice is also one of the most delicious drinks thereabout. Thanks for the zesty post. God bless you all always.

Dhemz said...

hahaa...bahala hapit ma late basta present...ehehhehe...joke!

kalami ba ana tsang...naa pa diha? fave sad namo ang pinyapol ug wottamelon...ehehehee!

busy ang life sa opps diha bayot? agi ko dire kadali...joker kau kay nag email si margie..d daw kuno nya dawaton si great finds kay mao daw ingon sa ilang boss...nyahaha...pero ingon sya hold on sa daw kay basin mo dawat ra sila puhon...joker!

d sako mag pa hosting sa wp bayot kay dko ka afford sa bayad...ehehehe!

tuod nadawat na tawon si GF sa BD...thanks for redirecting the url tsang...mwahness sa mga hop sako kay wala pako kag adgi...thanks sa dalaw ug comments...mwah!

Unknown said...

love the pineapples, visiting here

Cecile said...

wow, kalami anang fruits uy, ngayo ko bih :-)

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