Wednesday, December 15, 2010

ABC Wednesday - V

Time for ABC Wednesday.

V is for Vaccine

This is my little lamb chop when she has her first vaccine shots. Both legs had bo-bo from the shots. Vaccination is very important to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and prevents outbreaks thus it protects yourself as well from infection or illness.


Shahz said...

:-) Hahahhaa... ting,, ingun si wiwing "what a nice vaccine daw"... na buang na xa...Bagtik na iya utok... tabang!!!!!!! Scared nami...

Unknown said...

Three cheers for vaccines! They protect beautiful babies like yours!
HelenMac, ABC Team

Dhemz said...

aww...pag ka cute...sos tan-awa, gamay pa sya ani...karon dalaga na kau...ehehhee!

Roger Owen Green said...

Yes, there were far more vaccines for my daughter than I had to deal with.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Lulu Post said...

grabe kagamay pa ni juz dani

Rajesh said...

Very cute.

*My Bundles of Joy*

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