Tuesday, August 25, 2015

A Week Summer Getaway

How was your summer so far folks?
I can't believed that summer is about to be over. I think technically over, well for us since the school starting already. Kids are back to school again and life as usual is getting crazy. Summer vacation is so short especially in our family. We were busy the whole summer with the kids activity and when they were done with it, we mostly stayed home, meet some family and enjoyed our 1 week vacation. We drove to NYC and stayed there for three days. I need to renew my passport and that was the main reason of our trip. After the renewal we walk around Manhattan and ride a boat to staten island. Thank you to my SIL and her family for letting us stay in their home.
Another long hours of drive again heading to Virginia Beach as our vacation destination. It was short but we made it worth while. The kids had so much fun playing at the beach for the first time. I just felt bad for husband driving from Pittsburgh to NYC to Virginia. I think that was tiring and traumatizing that is why he decided not to go back no matter how enticing the beach and the whole resort in general.
Anyway, I hope you guys too have exciting summer and enjoy the rest of this warm weather.

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