What our dragonz J&J up to now?
Well, it's been a while since I talked about my precious and adorable dragonz on this blog. Yeah i call them dragon for an obvious reason that they are like as powerful as dragon. They don't need to fly, look ferocious and awesome, or blow some fire to feel their power, but for the many things they can do to drain our energy is enough. They are sweet children and very expressive. My princess has her way of expressing her thoughts by writing a notes, cards. They can be wild sometimes and handful especially when they fight, but most of the time they make us proud. I love both of them and I won't trade it for anything else even for the world.
Anyways, nothing extravagant going on in our simple living right now. For the past couple of years, I kind of on and off in the WWW, not totally in hiatus but seldom (like twice/month) depending to the moolah opps. As for my dragonz, well they are busy with school and sports. They both played b-ball, soccer and cross country last summer. Jake is playing baseball and soccer this season while they girl she is playing t-ball. They go to a party when they get invited and sometime go on a playdate with friends. I also sometimes bring them some place like theater, video games and library. Most of the time we prefer to stay home and watch TV, movies on netflex, read books, draw, play board games, play wii, or just do anything fun. School is almost over and we probably be home during the summer.
Summer is approaching, are there any fun and exciting plan that you and your family will be doing this summer?
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