When you are in charge of ordering inventory for a busy medical office, you may not have time to meet with vendors or to venture outside of your workplace to complete these purchases. Rather than allowing your inventory to run low or risking patient care, you can instead shop online for supplies like diagnostic items, Clia test kits, strep tests, and more. The website for purchasing these items is available anytime day or night. You can complete your ordering of inventory when you have a break or before or after your office closes.
Product Descriptions
The physicians and nurses in your practice trust the supplies that you order for them. They may not give the box in which the kits are contained a second glance before using them on a patient. It is up to you to ensure that the kit is exactly what your office needs and that it meets the level of care offered to your practice's clients.
You can ensure this quality and order supplies that are safe and reliable by reading the product descriptions of each kit online. The name of each test kit is hyperlinked to the description so that you can simply click on the name to read a full report of what the test is used for and other indications that come into play with patient care. You avoid confusing tests and also order supplies that can be used safely and efficiently in your practice.
The description also tells you how many tests come in each package. During the winter months, for example, your office may go through dozens of strep tests each day. You can order enough to keep up with the demand by paying attention to the quantity that is outlined for you in each description.
Other Medical Supplies
Along with test kits, you can also find other supplies to use in your practice. The website outlines all of its supplies on the left side of the page. Each category gives a full listing of the kits and for what purpose they are generally used.
To make ordering easier, the website allows you to use the online order function. You can also call in an order if you feel more comfortable.
Your medical office may go through a lot of test kits each week. You can keep up with the supply and demand by ordering kits and more online.
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