Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Guest post from: Constance Rodgers

As a business owner, I am always on the lookout for ways to streamline my business. Bundling my phone and internet connection was a no-brainer, and after doing some research on the best options for voip for business, I chose a provider. I now have a T1 internet connection and VOIP phones, and I only get one bill. Brilliant. Obviously, in this day and age, internet and phone service are two of the most important tools my people need to get their jobs done, and I love the ability to have both services without having to deal with two bills. There are countless ways to streamline a small business, and all it takes is a little research for the most part. I am always shocked when I talk to fellow business owners who don’t seem concerned with looking for better, easier ways to do things. In my opinion, those businesses are destined for failure. Taking care of the little details allows me to focus on the big picture, which is how to take my business to the next level.

*My Bundles of Joy*

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