Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Importance of Having Your AC Unit Regularly Maintained

No matter how energy-efficient your air conditioning unit is, it still should still be maintained on a regular basis. Neglecting your unit can result in higher electric bills and costly repairs. Even if your unit appears to be running fine, only an air conditioning repair Tampa FL technician can tell you if it is running as efficiently as it could be. Each unit contains coils, filters and fins that must work together to cool your home. When just one component breaks down or stops functioning properly, it can result in a decline in air quality and an increase in your utility bills.

Keep Your Utility Bills Low
More than likely, you are well aware of how high your electric bills can be during a Florida summer. During these months, your air conditioner accounts for a huge portion of your overall electric usage. Each year that your unit goes without proper maintenance, it begins to draw more and more electricity. Just a few years of neglect can result in noticeably higher utility bills. Luckily, with regular maintenance you can significantly reduce the chances of your air conditioner unexpectedly breaking down.

Reduce Repair Costs
Your air conditioner, just like anything else, is must less costly to maintain than it is to repair or replace. A few extra dollars for routine air conditioner inspections can dramatically extend the life of your unit. During a routine maintenance visit, a technician will check for leaks, clean the coils, review coolant levels and, if necessary, replace filters. While none of these things may seem significant, each one of these factors can cause serious damage to your climate control system and your wallet if they are allowed to persist.

Protect Your Warranty
When you purchased your air conditioning unit, you may have gotten a great deal. What you may not have realized then is that your factory warranty may be voided by neglecting regular maintenance. Many warranties require that units are maintained at least annually in order for the warranty to be honored. If your unit breaks down during the warranty period but was not regularly maintained, you may be forced to pay for the necessary repairs out of pocket.

Peace of Mind
Knowing that your air conditioning unit is well maintained will allow you to enjoy peace of mind knowing that it will function properly all year.

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