Monday, August 10, 2009

Give the Gift of Life

If you know somebody who is about to have their second or third baby, chances are that she already has many of the things that she will need in order to take care of it. I remember when we had our first baby. There were so many things that people gave us that we had some left over for future babies that we might have. Here is something that you can give that the expecting mother may not already have. Cryo-Cell is a company that banks your baby's umbilical cord blood for possible future use. Your baby's umbilical cord blood can be used to save your baby's life and can possibly be used to save the lives of any siblings. As the leading cord blood bank, Cyro-Cell knows the importance of planning ahead. That is why they offer gift certificates for cord blood banking starting at only $50. If a few of your friends get one of these for you, they can be combined, so they really add up. Cord blood is used to fight over 75 known diseases and has been used in thousands of transplants world wide, so you are basically banking the health of your child for the future. That is something that we all want. If you go to their website, you can read many client stories and hear what they have to say about the miracle of umbilical cord blood banking. Also, they have a limited time special offer for a free belly bag, so check them out, and start planning for your child's future.

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